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It is a 2-minute drive (1.2km) from the “Geisei-nishi” IC Kochi-Tobu Expressway

Main description
*Maximum number of characters:600 characters

Google Maps

Google Map

Hotel Name



1307 Otsu, Nishibun, Geisei Village, Aki County, Kochi Prefecture

Telephone number



◆Closed from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday
◆Telephone reception is from 10:00 to 19:00.There is an answering machine at other times.

Approximately 2 minutes by car (1.2km) from “Geisei-nishi” IC on the Kochi Kochi Tobu Expressway / 20 minutes walk from Nishibun Station

There is a pick-up service(conditions)
We will pick you up at Kochi Ryoma Airport, Gomen-Nahari Line, Yasu Station the Hari Line, and Nishibun Station
*Advance reservation is required by the day before.

Search on Google Maps

ONIWA is not registered in general car navigation systems.
Google Maps you specify "ONIWA Kochi" in the route search of ONIWA, the most accurate route will be shown.
In particular, the car navigation system installed in imported cars shows a completely different place, and there are many people who get lost.It seems to be tedious, but please use Google Maps